View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Jan 27th, 2021 13:20

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6840
The HMRC rules on cameras and lenses are very wooly and vague.

I know there are loophole that can be exploited by dealers or people doing personal imports as in the past I have know people who have exploited these loopholes.
The loopholes are around classification of cameras and their function/use. 
I cant remember the exact detail but at the time it seemed to me that it was another example of the rules not applying to the haves, but certainly applying to the have nots who didnt have the knowledge!

Much the same as the saying by DJT that he could shoot somebody in New York with many witnesses and still get away scot free.  Much the same applies in UK or most countries as the legal system is not about justice but about clever barristers showing how smart they are.  There are many examples of this in UK with people getting off speeding tickets on technicalities that are fringe, rather than on substantial unfairness of the ticket.

Still learning after all these years!